Diagnostic Teaching of Reading : Techniques for Instruction and Assessment

This highly practical guide shows pre-service and in-service educators how to use a process of diagnostic teaching to make sophisticated diagnostic and assessment judgments and identify appropriate instructional techniques.

In it, educators see how to use a variety of instructional and assessment techniques to help plan lessons designed to improve literacy for all learners in their charge. Included are descriptions and explanations of the steps of over 65 instructional techniques which include adaptations for struggling readers and writers, English language learners, and culturally diverse learners.

Teachers see how to use this knowledge to make informed instructional decisions that lead to a renewal of their decision-making power. The instructional techniques are written in a step-by-step manner, making it easy for reading specialists and teachers to evaluate when and how they adapt their instruction. Included for each are descriptions, step-by-step procedures, and detailed information on how and why to use the technique. The goal, says highly regarded author Barbara Walker, is to increase communication between the practitioner and various specialists as well as between the practicum student and the college professor.

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Об авторе (2011)

Barbara J. Walker is professor of reading at Oklahoma State University-Stillwater/Tulsa where she teaches courses in reading difficulties and literacy coaching. Dr. Walker received her Ed.D. from Oklahoma State University in Curriculum and Instruction, specializing in reading difficulty. Prior to returning to Oklahoma, Dr. Walker was a professor in the Department of Special Education and Reading at Montana State University, Billings, where she coordinated the Reading Clinic. She was a reading specialist in the elementary schools of Stillwater, Oklahoma; organized and taught the college reading program at Vernon Regional Junior College in Vernon, Texas; and coordinated the educational program at the Hogar Paul Harris in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Dr. Walker's research interests focus on teacher development, early literacy intervention, reading difficulties, and literacy coaching. Her publications include Literacy Coaching: A Collaborative Approach (2010), Techniques for Reading Assessment and Instruction (2005), Supporting Struggling Readers (2003), The Supervisor's Handbook for the Reading Team (1998) with Ronald Scherry and Lesley Morrow, Tips for the Reading Team (1998) and The Reading Team: A Handbook for K--3 Volunteer Tutors (1997) with Lesley Morrow and Interactive Handbook for Understanding Reading Diagnosis (1994) with Kathy Roskos. Dr. Walker received Oklahoma State University's Regents Distinguished Professor for Research in 2007, College Reading Association's 1997 A. B. Herr Award for outstanding contributions to reading education and was a distinguished finalist for the International Reading Association's 1991 Albert J. Harris Award for research in reading disabilities. Dr. Walker is a past President (2008-2009) of the International Reading Association, an organization that influences over 300,000 reading educators worldwide. She is a state, national, and international professional leader, having served on the board of directors of the International Reading Association, the College Reading Association, the Montana State Reading Council, and the Oklahoma Reading Council. Most important to her, however, is preparing teachers to work with struggling readers. In this capacity, she has helped more than 3,000 struggling readers improve their literacy.

Библиографические данные

Название Diagnostic Teaching of Reading: Techniques for Instruction and Assessment
MyEducationLab Series
Автор Barbara J. Walker
Издание: 7
Издатель Pearson, 2011
ISBN 013231651X, 9780132316514
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 352
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan