Bachelor of Science in Nursing – Admission Requirements

Available to students who do not possess an RN license is the prelicensure BSN track. Prerequisites must be met before enrollment. For more information about the track descriptions, please visit our Curriculum and Course Description page.

I. Minimum Admission Qualifications:

Prerequisites — Prelicensure BSN Track
45 credit hours

*Note: Students must take BIOL 1410 and 2410 at the same institution. Students may substitute BIOL 2406 and 2407 or 3406 and 3407 for BIOL 1410 and 2410, but both courses must be taken at the same institution as well.

**Note: CHEM 1402 is recommended for nursing majors, but CHEM 1450 meets nursing requirement.

***Note: Diversity in World Cultures Social Science Courses: ANTH 1302, ECON 2310, GEOG 1300, GEOG 1320, HIST 1310, HIST 1320, HIST 1375 FYS, LING 1310. Choose one only.

  1. a) submit a letter from the school that includes a statement regarding the student’s standing, and
    b) provide an official transcript from the previous school.
  2. An applicant who has been dismissed from a previous nursing program or is not in good standing, will not be considered for admission to the prelicensure BSN track.
  3. Admission to the prelicensure BSN track will not be considered for anyone who has earned a “D”, “F”, “WF”, or “NC”, in any two nursing courses in a previously attended nursing school.
  4. Applicants who hold a current RN license are eligible for consideration for admission into the RN to BSN degree track.

II. Ranking criteria is based on GPA, course deficits, and UCA student status:

  1. Students with higher GPAs will receive more points than those with lower GPAs. Grades received for courses taken concurrently in high school will be counted in the GPA calculations for admission into the BSN major.
  2. Course deficits (those prerequisites not completed by the end of the fall semester of application) can significantly impact the chances for admission into the nursing major. Please note: BIOL 2410 must be successfully completed in or before the fall term of application.
  3. Preference is given to UCA students. To be considered a UCA student, students must have 30 hours completed at UCA or taken concurrently in high school or a combination of both. Transfer students are also considered and ranked in the admission process.